
کاربرد تکنولوژی


کاربرد تکنولوژی

?What is software


Computer software

Sometimes abbreviated as S/W, software is a collection of instructions that enable a user to interact with the computer or have the computer perform specific tasks for them. Without software, the computer would be useless. For example, without your Internet browser software you would be unable to browse the Internet or read this page and without a software operating system the browser would not be able to run on your computer. In the picture to the right, is an example of what a Microsoft Excel software box looks like and is another example of a software program.


Hardware is best described as a device that is physically connected to your computer or something that can be physically touched. Most hardware will contain a circuit boardICs, and other electronics. A perfect example of hardware is a computer monitor, which is anoutput device that lets you see what you're doing on the computer. Without any hardware, your computer would not exist, and software would not be able to run. In the image to the right, is a webcam and an example of an external hardware peripheral that allows users to make videos or pictures and transmit them over the Internet.

Internal hardware examples

?What is Hardware

Definition: Hardware, in the computer world, refers to the physical components that make up a computer system.

There are many different kinds of hardware that can be installed inside, and connected to the outside, of a computer.

Take a tour inside your PC to learn how all the hardware in your computer connects together to create the complete computer system you use everyday.

Here are some common individual computer hardware components that you'll often find inside a modern computer case:

?What is e-learning

?What is e-learnin

Quite simply, e-learning is electronic learning, and typically this means using a computer to deliver part, or all of a course whether it's in a school, part of your mandatory business training or a full distance learning course.

In the early days it received a bad press, as many people thought bringing computers into the classroom would remove that human element that some learners need, but as time has progressed technology has developed, and now we embrace smartphones and tablets in the classroom and office, as well as using a wealth of interactive designs that makes distance learning not only engaging for the users, but valuable as a lesson delivery medium.

Building partnerships with quality training providers, and combining this with a dedicated experienced technical team and support staff, Virtual College provides the perfect blended learning environment, offering anyone the chance to take their online training to the next level.

?what is skype

A software program which uses peer-to-peer data transfer techniques to facilitate free audio and video conversation over the internet.This is often referred to a VoIP(voice over Internet Protocol) technology.